A familiar sight

Ali Crehan Photography: Scituate Daily Photo 2013 &emdash; A familiar sight

I’m a little surprised that we aren’t all on a first name basis with the news crews after the winter we’ve been having. Anytime a good storm blows in, the tv vans fly on in – and then all of us in Scituate get to explain to our Facebook friends exactly where Mike Wankum is standing and where that spot is in relation to our own homes.

Well, the storm is over and we’re still standing. There was no school on Thursday or Friday, to my daughter’s delight. We never lost power or heat, to my delight. There was a lot of flooding, to no one’s delight. As one of my Twitter folks remarked,

After all of these Nor’easters this season, we’d better have a killer beach season this summer in #Scituate — we deserve it.
— Chris Kelley (@cmk_1) March 7, 2013

This picture is actually from a year ago, when there was a fire in Humarock. It seems that even when there’s no foul weather, we give them something for the news cycle.

I’m doing a little spring cleaning in anticipation of the sunshine and warmth that is inching ever closer… I’ll be going through my archives and sharing photos that didn’t make it onto the blog when they were originally taken. The monochromatic theme will continue through these last days of winter, so we can greet the first day of spring with a return to glorious color.

Prints are available at Ali Crehan Photography.


  1. I’m at the other end of the continent at present, and poor Scituate gets mentioned. Reminds me of the little girl with the curl in the middle of her forehead. When she was good she was very very good, but when she was bad she was horrid.

  2. Ah…life with the media. They don’t want to be there any more than you want them there. But, they have to feed the beast. Glad this latest storm wasn’t too bad for you.